Home Visits

signs of a heart attack (chest pain, pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across the chest)

signs of a stroke (face dropping on one side, cannot hold both arms up, difficulty speaking)

sudden confusion or delirium (unsure of own name or age)

suicide attempt (by taking something or self-harming)

severe difficulty breathing (not being able to get words out, choking or gasping)

a serious accident, or severe injuries burns or scalds

heavy bleeding (spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle)

severe injuries (after a serious accident or assault)

a seizure or fit (shaking, jerking, or unconscious & can’t be woken up)

sudden, rapid swelling (of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue)

limp and floppy or unable to stay awake (their head falls down or eyes don’t stay open for more than a few seconds)

blue, grey, pale or blotchy skin or lips, palms or soles

Sudden confusion (agitation, odd behaviour or non-stop crying in children)

Home visits are available for those too ill to come to us. Please come to us if at all possible. This ensures the doctor has all facilities at hand and that the doctor’s time is used effectively. You will also be seen sooner.

On average a doctor can see four patients in the health centre in the time it takes to make one single home visit. Sick children will be seen as soon as possible if brought to us.

Routine visits should be requested from 08:30 to 10:00 and these will usually be made between 12:00 and 15:30.

Emergency visits, for life-threatening cases, can be requested at any time. These are usually put through to the doctor on call who will visit at the appropriate time according to need. Sometimes, for example in collapse with unconsciousness, severe chest pain, or stroke symptoms, it is safer to call 999 first, before the doctor.

How to request prescriptions when you are unable to get to the surgery

  1. Order online. You need to register for the NHS App

Did you know you can manage repeat prescriptions from Sherwood Medical Partnership in the NHS App?

You can easily choose where your prescriptions are sent. Also, you can change your nominated pharmacy from within the app.

You can also order your prescription at any time that suits you. There’s no need to wait to join a telephone queue or wait until the GP surgery opens.

It’s easy to use, and, if you hit a snag, you can go to ‘Help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit nhs.uk/helpmeapp.

Find out more about the NHS App at: www.nhs.uk/nhsapp

2. Pharmacy requests. Contact your chosen pharmacy for more information on what services they can offer as this differs from pharmacy to pharmacy.

3. Repeat dispensing. You can request repeat dispensing from the surgery which will automatically dispense your medications ready for collection when due without needing further requests from yourself until the medication review date is reached.